In 2014 we all got very wet…
…but no one got stuck in the mud and the day was a huge success. We had fewer visitors than last year, but in spite of that, the provisional figures show that we made about £6,000. We were really pleased to be able to have the Community First Responders and Neighbourcare, who we supported last year, showing us what they do in the community, as well as the East Woodhay History Society and a representative from the National Trust for the Sandham Memorial Chapel. The whole Guild team rolled into action and came up trumps. Enormous thanks go to everyone who made the day such a happy one; the fully waterproofed car parkers; the ever cheerful gate keepers, James and Lucy d’Albuquerque and Hugh Cobbe; the amazing WI tea ladies; the Barker family from St Martin’s School who ran the toy tent and the hoardes of willing volunteers who put up the tents – and admittedly, drank beer, courtesy of our inside connection with Sambrooks Brewery, manned the stalls and sideshows all afternoon, put it all away at the end of the day and still had the energy to gather at the Furze Bush for a final celebration!
After the fete, St Martin’s Guild committee met to decide how to distribute the funds raised. As usual the majority of our donation went to St Martin’s Church to help towards the upkeep and maintenance of the fabric of the building, however, we also helped local groups, organisations and village projects. If you are involved in any of these and would like to be considered for a donation from the profits in the future, please contact Sarah Ede or any of the other committee members, briefly outlining the aim of your venture and what the money would be used for.
Sarah Ede