Who’s involved

Dozens and dozens of people contribute to the fete in all sorts of ways.

It is organised by the Committee of St Martin’s Guild. The current committee is…

Toby Ward

Conrad Winter

Sarah Leventhorpe

Jonathan Hopson
Sarah Porter
Jenny Sanders
Karen Titcomb
Fiona Coyne
Mark Foden

Stalls and helpers
Jenny Sanders – Books
Rhona Everard – Cakes
Sarah Porter – Plants
Anne Aston – Granny’s Attic
Jonathan Hopson – Raffle
Wilson family – Bottle Tombola
Sarah Ede – Refreshments
St Martin’s School – Children’s Games
Godfrey family - Ice Creams
Chris Wilkes – Car Display
Hen & Charlie Wheatman – Beer Tent
Donald Mackinnon – Car Parking
Graham Heald – Site Management
Charles Mackinnon/Toby Ward – Signage
Hugh Cobbe and Andrew & Elaine Colville – Gate