Community Cookbook

With this year’s fete cancelled, we have had to look for other ways to raise much-needed funds for the church and our local community, and so we are planning to publish and sell our very own cookbook. We would love as many people as possible to contribute recipes.

Perhaps you have found a new favourite recipe during lockdown or maybe you have a recipe that has helped to keep your spirits up? Sweet or savoury, simple or fancy, snack or supper….. if it made you feel good or made life a little easier, then we hope that you will share it with us!

It doesn’t need to be an original recipe – you can share a recipe from a cookbook, but for copyright issues please write the method in your own words (or let us know that it is copied and we will rewrite it for you). If there is a story behind the recipe or you have a top tip to share, then we would love to hear that too.

You can submit your recipe via an online form by clicking the button below or, if you would prefer, you can email or drop your recipes in to Jenny Sanders or Fi Coyne -

We aim to publish the cookbook by October and will share details of the launch nearer the date.